窓の向こう、移動をしている乗り物から写真を撮る。ふいに現れる生命体。飼われている彼ら、自由な鳥たち。写真の当たり前だが、止まっていなかった窓の外が止まっているこの手元を、不思議に思いながら見ている。車窓に現れるものとの関わりは一瞬で、それを少なからずでも“関わり” と言えるのも写真があるからだと思っている。
I take photos from moving vehicles. On the other side of the window, I catch glimpses of life. Livestock and free birds. This is an obvious quality of photography, but I’m filled with a sense of wonder at the ability to stop the unceasing movement of what goes on outside of the window. My connection to what appears in the window lasts only for an instant, and perhaps the only reason I can speak of something like a “connection” is because of photography. There are probably many things I miss in the brief moments when I close my eyes. These scenes appear as if they had fallen from the sky, and through photography I am able to collect and arrange them. I gaze at the living, breathing world outside the window now resting in my hands.